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Chang Mai’s Delicate

Thai food is snowed for its delicate balance of sweet, sour, spicy, salty and bitter flavoured. In this class, you will experience all those flavours. Starting with Aromatic This Red Curry – you will be making this from scratch so you know what’s in the curry! Followed by delicious Thai Fish cake and Thai coconut ball – you will love this if you like sweets!

  • Aromatic Thai red curry with roasted duck served with steamed jasmine rice
  • Delicious Thai dish cake with sweet chili sauce
  • Thai coconut ball dessert “Ka Nom Tom”

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Ticket Type: Ticket Qty: Per Ticket Price:
27th August 2024

6:00pm to 8:30pm

3 Left:
Quantity: Total


Suite 1.4, Axis Building
91 St Georges Bay Rd, Parnell
Auckland 1052

You can find parking instructions here.


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