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Hot Miso Ramen Noodles




There are many different stocks used to make the soup base, such as miso, soy, salt (clear broth) and tonkotu (white cloudy broth). Japanese noodle shops spend hours making these, but I can’t wait that long, so try my dish made in 20 minutes.

Servings: 2  


Preparation Time: 10mins


Cooking Time: 10mins



Soup Ingredients:

1200ml water

100-150g Pork Mince

30g butter

3 x cloves garlic, finely chopped

1 x tbsp ginger, finely chopped

1 x tbsp Toban Djan (Chili Bean Sauce)

1 x tbsp Kocyujyan (Korean chili paste, optional)

4 x tbsp Miso Paste (Mix or white miso paste)

2 x tsp sugar

2 x tbsp Yamasa soy sauce

2 x tbsp Mirin Sauce


Other ingredients:

Bean sprouts

1 tbsp sesame seed oil

Pepper and Salt

1 x Boiled egg

2 bundles of Ra-men Noodle



Boiled Egg, Nori (Seaweed), sweet corn, chopped spring onion, bean sprouts



1. Place a wok or large pot over high heat and add butter. When melted add finely chopped garlic, ginger, Toban Djan and Kocyujyan. Stir fry in the Wok until aroma is present.

2. Add pork mince and cook for couple of minutes or until browned

3. Add water, bring to boil and add other soup ingredients (miso paste, sugar, soy sauce, mirin sauce).

4. Stir until all condiments are dissolved and simmer on low heat.

5. Boil water in a large pot and cook ramen noodle as per instruction on the package or cook al dente. Drain the water and place the noodle in a serving bowl.

6. In the meantime, heat a medium frying pan and add sesame seed oil. Stir fry bean sprouts quickly and season with pepper and salt. Set aside.




hot miso ramen noodles, cooking classes auckland, team building auckland, japanese cooking classes auckland



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